Italy is an ideal country for conventions, conferences, meetings and seminars. Thanks to the high quality and great variety of Italy's convention facilities (convention buildings and many good hotels equipped for the purpose), convention tourism in our country is increasing year by year and has reached considerable dimensions.
A wide range of suitable convention venues allows for ample choice according to the size of the event. the season and the possibility to arrange attractive cultural and tourist visits, both for the accompanying persons - while delegates are at work and for all those attending, offering them a vast selection of pre-and post-convention tours.
Italian convention centers are scattered all over the country, concentrated mainly in easily accessible areas having a large reception capacity and many tourist attractions.
In addition to the leading hotels affording up-to-date congress facilities - too many to be listed - here is a list of the country's major official congress places:
BOLOGNA Palazzo della Cultura e dei Congressi, rooms seating from 30 to 1450 persons. COMO (on the lake side) Centro Congressi della Lombardia, eight rooms seating from 50 to 900 persons. FLORENCE Palazzo dei Congressi: twelve rooms seating from 25 to 1000 persons. GARDONE DEL GARDA (on the shores of Lake Garda) Centro Congressi, twenty one rooms seating from 20 to 600 persons. MERANO Centro Congressi, eight rooms seating from 20 to 1200 persons. MILAN Fiera internazionale, twenty-four rooms seating from 25 to 500 persons. Unione Provinciale Commercio e Turismo, seven rooms seating from 25 to 600 persons. RIMINI (on the Adriatic coast) Centro Congressi, five rooms seating from 200 to 2000 persons. RIVA DEL GARDA (on the shores of Lake Garda) Centro Congressi, thirteen rooms seating from 50 to 1500 persons ROME - Auditorium della Tecnica, fifteen rooms seating from 25 to 1300 persons. - Centro Internazionale Roma, twenty-seven rooms seating from 20 to 6000 persons. - Auditorium del Massimo, modern Congress centre in the Eur district, 8 rooms seating from 50 to 900 persons. - Palafiera; twelve rooms seating from 50 to 4000 persons - Four large hotels (Cavalieri Hilton, Sheraton Roma, Parco dei Principi, Holiday Inn, St. Peter's) have efficient conference centers able to seat more then 700 persons. STRESA (on the shores of Lake Mabgiore) Centro Congressi, seven rooms seating from 20 to 1000 persons. TORINO In the capital of the car industry there is one of the biggest conference centers in the north of Italy the Lingotto Centro Congressi with fifteen rooms seating from 20 to 2500 persons. There are other large centers, able to seat more than 300 persons in each hotel.
In addition to the major meeting halls indicated, all over Italy there are many medium size centers that are, of course, fitted with special rooms for secretaries, press rooms, amplifiers, audiovisual and simultaneous translation equipment and closed circuit TVs, as well as facilities for receptions, cocktails and banquets. have contacts with several Travel Agencies having a vast experience in handling congress and convention business of all sizes and is in the best position to provide all relevant services and arrangements.
A meeting means many things: a huge international scientific congress, a promotional sales meeting, a big convention, a round table or a workshop, an international symposium, a poster session, scientific exhibition, etc.
All these have problems in common, although some of them can be more complex than others. We know them all very well and can handle any kind of meeting in the most suitable and efficient way, providing all congress services and arrangements of the highest standards. Just to mention a few:
DESTINATION The selection of the destination will be tailored to best suit our customer's needs Our staff will provide the best professional expert advice.
FINANCIAL ORGANIZATION Together with the congress organizers our contact company prepares the financial budget with an itemized breakdown of expenses and income. Can also take care of the collection of registration fees.
PUBLIC RELATIONS We can hire important palaces for opening and closing congress ceremonies, gala dinners, performances, classical music, etc. We will do the utmost to find financial contributions from firms interested in sponsoring the congress.
CONGRESS LOCATION In view of the number of congress participants, the typology of the meeting and the limits of the budget, we will make proposals on where the congress and the various events (opening and closing ceremonies, gala dinners, concerts, etc.. included in the social program) should be held.
PROMOTION Together with the congress organizers we arrange for the printing and mailing to all participants of the first and second announcements containing the congress programme, the speakers' names, the social and ladies programmes and registration forms, hotel accommodation, abstracts, proceedings, and pre or post-congress tours, etc.
GRAPHICS Our graphic artists will create the congress logo and will accurately follow the printing of the congress program, the badges in different colors, posters, the congress kit, invitations to the various ceremonies.
MULTILINGUAL STAFF The company chosen by offers a team of multilingual staff highly specialized in congress activities (hostesses receptionists, typists, stenographers, interpreters for simultaneous translations, conference secretaries, film and slide projection operators, escorts, interpreters for technical visits and guides specialized in exclusive visits. They are the only professionals and experts able to supply a fully comprehensive assistance for the entire duration of your convention.
SCIENTIFIC EXHIBITIONS In close contact with the congress organizers we will organize the scientific exhibition, giving all the information on the dates, places, rates per square meter and payment procedures to all possible sponsors interested in the congress. We will also supervise the setting up of the various stands in the exhibition area.
HOTEL ACCOMODATION We will reserve in advance an adequate number of rooms in hotels of different categories in order to offer a large choice of accommodation for the congress participants. On receipt of the hotel accommodation form, the Company chosen by will assign the hotel desired according to the request of each participant.
TRANSPORTATION We will provide the congress participants with a transfer service on arrival and departure both on a group and individual basis. To facilitate participants staying in hotels far from the congress area, we can set up a shuttle bus service. Our brand new coaches will be at the complete disposal of the congress needs: technical visits, pre- or post-congress tours, transportation to galas, dinners, theaters, etc.
TECHNICAL EQUIPMENTS Our experts will double-check all technical equipment (simultaneous translation, earphones, recording machines and amplification, films and slides, projectors, overhead projectors, microphones, timers, etc.).
GADGETS We can supply exquisite and exclusive gifts, especially prepared for you and personalized with your logo.
SOCIAL EVENTS We will organize for all congress participants various social activities: the opening ceremony, followed by a welcome cocktail party, a gala dinner served in places of great prestige, opera and ballet performances, technical visits to laboratories, factories, cooking courses, fashion shows and exclusive sightseeing programs for accompanying persons and the participants themselves.
PRE- AND POST-CONGRESS TOURS We can set up a series of tours of different duration which can be done before or after the congress, both on an individual or group basis.
PRESS OFFICE In order to obtain the maximum publicity we can promote the congress image through specialized magazines and also via radio and television media.
Organization is a science. Success is its application. In our philosophy "muddling through" does not exist!
If you are planning to hold a convention in Italy, can help you to make it a success. We know where you'll find the best, most convenient locations, and we can assist with any special arrangements your group needs. We'll be there to help, from the moment you get to the airport till the moment you leave. helps planning your next convention. With our expertise and all Italy has to offer, your convention will be just as enjoyable as a holiday.